wind energy
solar energy
water energy
hydraulic energy, running water energy
tidal energy, ebb and flow of seas and oceans
potential osmotic energy
geothermal energy
biomass energy: biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas
Renewable energy can be used to find all types of energy care, pollute or have an extremely small impact on the environment or on the health of his life, there is, at the same time, care care is returned when processed nature or are inexhaustible.
Against the background of the threats induced by the increasing pollution, the interest for renewable energies has increased rapidly in the last decade, which has materialized in a historical level of investments.
The conventional energy system considers renewable energy sources as alternative sources, we are actually talking about sources that have been used by humanity for thousands of years, for which the technology of exploitation has developed only in the last 150 years.
Our organization has a research centre, situated in Vienna, Austria - Centre for Risk Studies in Economic and Social Sciences, coordinated by Sever Spanulescu (